In this podcast, we go beyond discussion of sexual tips and techniques and instead dive deep into who we are and what we feel as sexual beings...what are the deeper longings and fears that govern our sexual lives? How present are we? How connected do we feel with our bodies and how much pleasure can we allow? How do we use sexuality to meet our emotional and practical needs? What gets in the way of sexual authenticity? How do larger systems of privilege and oppression impact our freedom of sexual embodiment and expression, inside and out? How can we evolve our sexuality so we can access qualities I refer to as The Six S's of Sexual Self Energy™...feeling Safe, Sensual, Spacious, Sensitive, Steamy and Satisfied?
These are just a sampling of the questions we address on the podcast through the lens of Self-Led Sexuality, an approach rooted in Internal Family Systems (IFS), a transformational model of personality created by Dr. Richard Schwartz, as well as embodiment practices, sex education, and a larger systems' lens.
I’ll be bringing on experts, therapists, and everyday people to discuss their experiences and offer practical tools that help listeners to become Self-Led in Bed... and beyond!
You can expect:
Real conversations: We tackle sensitive subjects with care, exploring the challenges and joys of living in alignment with our desires, values, bodies, roles, and identities.
Expert insights: From therapists to sexual health professionals, we bring in guests who have a wealth of knowledge to share about IFS, sexuality, spirituality and personal empowerment.
Practical tips: Every episode is designed to offer you tools and insights that you can apply to your own journey—whether it’s about improving your relationship, understanding your body, or embracing your desires.
In this episode, I talked with Certified IFS Consultant, author and IFS podcaster extraordinaire, Tammy Sollenberger, about how we discovered Internal Family Systems, the transformative power of self-compassion, and how to apply IFS principles in our daily and sexual lives. Tammy shares personal stories and her clear understanding of the model in ways that I am sure will engage you and awaken your curiosity.
Coming Soon.
Coming soon.
Patty is a Certified IFS Therapist and Consultant, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Supervisor, Speaker, Trainer, Author and Guide. She has developed a unique integrative model for Self-Led Sexuality to help people find more ease, joy, and confidence in the bedroom and beyond. She has originated IFS-informed concepts such as Internal Consent and The Six S’s of Sexual Self-Energy, taught a module for the IFS Institute Online Continuity program, led workshops internationally, and authored a chapter in Altogether Us: Integrating the IFS Model with Key Modalities, Communities and Trends. She offers training and consultation to professionals and loves helping people to BeHold and Lead their Internal Sexual Systems (BLISS)™. You can get her free guide to The Six S’s of Sexual Self Energy and learn more about her offerings here on her website or follow her on her social media accounts.
Disclaimer: All opinions and views expressed by Patricia Rich through the Self-Led in Bed Podcast and YouTube Channel are her own, as are the opinions and views expressed by guests. Patricia may or may not agree with the opinions and views expressed by guests and information provided on the podcast is not guaranteed to be factually accurate. The content provided is for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only. Nothing in this content should be construed or assumed to constitute personal or professional consultation, supervision, advice, clinical instruction, clinical assessment, guidance, treatment, therapy, training, diagnosis, or to replace medical or mental health treatment. Nothing in this content creates a therapist-client relationship. Always seek the advice of a medical or mental health provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your medical and/or mental health needs. If you need immediate help, contact your provider and/or call 911. Patricia Rich is always learning and her opinions are formed with the information she has at the time, and may change as she learns more. Topics discussed pertain to psychological states and to sexuality and may provoke uncomfortable feelings for some listeners. Please use your own discretion when listening to this podcast or sharing it with others.
© Copyrights by Patricia Rich Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved.